Friday, October 24, 2008

Self Satire

I'm crafting an internet image of myself. I picked this picture because I think it's just slightly funny, cool, and a little cynical. I like the wrinkled eyebrows in the pic. that imply something like, "What the hell are you talking about?" In my non-internet life, I don't think I ever give this look to anyone but myself.

That's my new internet image, but I don't think I go around looking cool like that. Some days I pull off being cool--I have a few cool outfits, but can't afford to dress "cool" everyday. And even if I could, it would be very time consuming to create that kind of wardrobe. So I have to be cool some other way. I try to be wry in the things I say, even though I can't define that word, but I do think I know what it means. On a lucky day, I say something wry to my students and they get it, but usually I don't think they think I'm "cool" and they probably don't use that word anyway.

So what about today when I'm wearing what looks like a little old lady from Lake Wobegan sweater and my hair is exhibiting some funky caliks (apparently, that word's spelled wrong)? I will not use a picture of myself today for my new internet image.

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