Friday, October 31, 2008

No, chocolate is not local, but

No, the chocolate I eat is not locally grown, but I couldn't get it locally if I tried. It's not like, for example, driving out east to the grocery store for bread shipped in from who-knows-where and made with hydrogenated oil and high fructose corn syrup when I could walk a few blocks up the street to the Winter Market Wednesday afternoon and get a freshly-made loaf in which the wheat has been locally ground and that doesn't contain preservatives, hydrogenated oil or HFC. And buying chocolate imported chocolate (all chocolate in this country is imported because we can't grow cacao here) is not like driving out East to the grocery store to get apples when the Winter Market has local apples that have not been doused in chemicals and have not been sitting in a truck, boat, or plane for a journey of several thousand miles.

If I could buy chocolate locally, I would, but that is not an option, and of course, giving it up seems to be too much of a sacrifice.

1 comment:

TRS said...

We all still have to have some pleasures from the global economy. At least your pleasure is tasty and good for you.